StarDot Time-Vision
StarDot Time-Vision features everything you need to create proffessional time-lapse recordings. With Time-Vision you will have access two different viewers, which you can display on your website.
Reasons to Subscribe to Time-Vision
- Fully Embeddable into your website
- iPhone/Blackberry/Droid Compatible (View your recordings on the go!)
- Time-Vision fast dedicated servers provide fast playback and storage of your recording
- Abilty to view time-lapse from multiple timespans (view day/month/year/entire time-lapse)
- You will have access to both of the viewers below, both flexible for all applications!
Time-Vision Express Player
With this player you have the ability to:-
- Embed your time-lapse recording into your website
- Display your time-lapse recording at a low resolution, for faster playback.
Time-Vision Archive Player
This high resolution fully function player includes:-
- Image Archiving, all your images are securely stored on the Time-Vision servers
- Time-Vision Timeline; have the ability to view a specific hour/day/month/year with the click of a button!
- Time-Vision Calendar, all of your recordings are viewable by date and time
- Digital Pan/Tilt/Zoom feature allows your to zoom and pan into your high resolution image
Ready to order? Click here
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