Order Now
If you would like to subscribe to the Time-Vision service, you can do so online or by calling one of our sales representatives. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact us on 1-888-STARDOT.
To purchase more than one package/subscription or to purchase an Annual Package please call our sales helpline on 1-888-782-6368/
Camera Packages
Don't have a StarDot NetCam already? No problem! Now is the perfect time to save on a NetCam SC Time-Vision bundle. Save 10% on your camera package when you subscribe to Time-Vision!
Time-Vision Packages
Package Includes:
- StarDot NetCam SC 1.3MP/3MP/5MP
- 4.5-10mm Varifocal Lens
- 100ft Power/Network Cable
- Compact Outdoor Enclosure
Subscribe to a Time-Vision monthly deal and recieve 10% off any of the packages below:
1 Megapixel Package
$1298 $1168.20
+ $170/ Month Subscription
3 Megapixel Package
$1350 $1215
+ $185/ Month Subscription
5 Megapixel Package
$1398 $1258.20
+ $225/ Month Subscription
Subscription Only
If you already have a StarDot NetCam and would like to purchase a subscription, you may do so by purchasing online. A StarDot Representative will contact you to set up the Time-Vision service in your NetCam.
1 Megapixel Subscription
- $170/month
3 Megapixel Subscription
- $185/month
5 Megapixel Subscription
- $225/month
Annual Packages
Save 50% off your camera package if you decided to purchase an annual subscription!
1 Megapixel Annual Package
$1298 $649
+ $2050 Annual Subscription
$2699 Total $649 savings!
3 Megapixel Annual Package
$1349 $675
+ $2224 Annual Subscription
$2899 Total $675 savings!
5 Megapixel Annual Package
$1449 $699
+ $2700 Annual Subscription
$3399 Total $699 savings!
*You must pay for annual subscription in full to be eligible for 50% discount.
Please note that subscriptions are billed per calender month, payment will be due within 5 business days of due date.
Copyright TimeScience LLC © 2013